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Minor Majority France : AFTER TONIGHT


(Harald Sommerstad / Pål Angelskår)

Where will you go, my love
After tonight, my love
Who will you lean upon?
When the night, it circles you in, my love

Wish I knew what to save you from
I’d come around just now, if you need talking to
You sound so uptight, my love
If I was wrong all along
Should I hold on to you?

When did I lose your love?
At what point did you choose, my love
I’m not sure what I’m looking for
But it used to be in that smile of yours

Wish I knew what to save you from
I’d come around just now, if you need talking to
You sound so uptight, my love
If I was wrong all along
Should I hold on to you?

Wish I knew what to save you from
I’d come around just now, if you need talking to
You sound like you’re with someone
If I was wrong all along
I’m sure somebody knew

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