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Minor Majority France : KISS OFF


(Musique : Roar Nilsen / Texte : Pål Angelskår)

Waiting for a feeling to materialize
laughing and crying is the same release
the radio is playing that song that you like
a young band trying to find its feet
I know it’s probably not my phrase
but don’t make me wait
trust me nothing will change
and tomorrow’s all there is
the rest is space
that you’d want to fill with a better world
a better job and a better girl
a purpose or just something that works
for more than a while
you know how it sounds
but you don’t know how it feels
laughing and crying is the same release
you sing about distance
while you’re closing her in
I love you, I used to, I’m sure I did
but all our memories will fade
and when they are gone
who cares about the marks that we made?
and while our bodies grow old
in my mind we’re still
the toughest kids on our street
still waiting for life to agree
and I had you, so you must have had me
back at seventeen

I know it’s probably not my phrase
but don’t make me wait
trust me, nothing will change
and though I cannot feel my years
they’re all here
in my songs to you
and I know that when my number is up
when every song has been sung
and every thought has been fought
I’ll be counting on you to be here
to kiss me off

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


23/02/2022 - Clip (Oslo - Norvège)

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